Friday, August 19, 2011

Women Health Problems

There are a variety of womens health problems that require specifc attention and specific treatment and action. Luckily, many of these problems, though they can be distressing and painful to experience, can be dealt with both simply and effectively. Some womens health problems will require a bit more effort than others, but virtually all can be eliminated if proper natural health steps are taken to eliminate the causes.

This is in direct contrast to modern medicine, which usually attempts to relieve the symptoms of womens healthproblems without considering, or treating the underlying causes. In most cases, there is a hormonal imbalance, which leads to the various symptoms experienced by women of all ages. By restoring the natural balance of female hormones, many womens health can be restored an these symptoms can be eliminated - permanently.

Foods That Increase Breast Size

Essential Foods to Increase Your Breast Size

Estrogen-rich Foods

Hormonal imbalance is one of the reasons why women have small breasts. If the female body produces too much of the male hormone, testosterone, it hinders the growth of breasts. So keep your testosterone production within the normal level by reducing your carb intake and getting more of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Meanwhile, the female hormone, estrogen, causes breast enlargement and is responsible for the distinguishing appearance of a mature female breast. That’s why flat-chested girls in China are served with chicken soup with chicken head, which is believed to contain a high percentage of estrogen.

1. Soy products: soy bean and products made from it are known for their natural estrogen.
2. Dairy is very good source of natural estrogen.
3. Flax seeds provide you with natural estrogen and they are very good for your overall health. So are other seeds like:
* Sunflower seeds
* Pumpkin seeds
* Anise seed
4. Spices and herbs:
* Cloves
* Ginger
* Oregano
* Sage
* Thyme
* Turmeric
* Clover
* Peppers
* Sage
5. Beans and peas:
* Chickpeas (garbanzo beans)
* Lima beans
* Kidney beans
* Black-eyed peas
* Navy beans
* Red beans
* Lentils
* Split peas
* Parsley
* Red clover
6. Whole grain:
* Barley
* Oats
* Brown rice
7. Fruits and Greens:
* Alfalfa
* Apples
* Beets
* Carrots
* Cherries
* Cucumbers
* Dates
* Eggplant
* Olives
* Papaya
* Plums
* Pomegranates
* Potatoes
* Pumpkin
* Rhubarb
* Tomatoes
* Yams

Substitute the white beans with black-eyes peas or soybeans and munch on these Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies to increase your breast size.

Natural Ways To Increase Breast Size

Exercises To Make Breasts Look Bigger

One of the quickest ways that you can make your breasts look bigger is through exercises to make your breasts look bigger. These exercises will not actually increase your breasts but they will make your pectoral muscles bigger and this will give your breasts a nice shape and lift to them.

Some of the common exercises that you can use are chest flies, push ups and if you are not up to that level yet you could try standing up and pushing against the wall. Anyone can use this method but you have to go through a little bit of pain to get muscle growth.

Breast Pumps

If you need a quick breast increase that isn’t permanent then you can use breast pumps. Use one of these and you can get an increase in your breast size for about 8 hours. This is a good thing to try if you are just going to be going to a party of reunion or something. While it is not permanent no one is going to know if you are just going to see them for a short time.

Breast Enhancement Pills

Pills are one of the popular way to make breasts bigger. These will actually give some sort of results. The only thing is this is not the quickest method. Why not? Because when the pills go down into the stomach you will find that the stomach acids are going to eat up some of the ingredients. That means that you will not be getting the full ingredients that are on the bottle.

Breast Enhancement Creams

Creams for enhancing breasts is the best method since it is a topical method. You just rub the cream into your breasts and the ingredients will go into the breasts where they are needed. Make sure you find a cream that is going to have the ingredients that are needed for breast growth however. If you don’t make sure that you have the right ingredients in the cream you are not going to get the results that you are hoping for.

The cream that I have used and have seen real results out of is called Triactol. I tried it out because of the clinical results and the many testimonials as well as the money back guarantee. I also like the ingredients that are in the product. I hadn’t heard of MiroFirm but once I looked into the ingredients I saw that it was the real deal. After just 5 weeks I had seen more than a cup increase in my breasts.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Women More Likely To Die From Heart Attacks

Women More Likely To Die From Heart Attacks
Better heart treatment of women could help close the gender gap in heart deaths. Women would be more likely to survive a heart attack if they were treated more like men, French researchers say.

In a study of more than 3,500 people admitted to the hospital for a heart attack, women were far less likely than men to get angiography to visualize heart artery blockages or angioplasty to open up blocked arteries.

Women were about twice as likely to die within a month of having the heart attack, according to the study, presented at the American College of Cardiology's annual meeting.

The higher death rate in women "is related to the fact that they don't get the same treatments as men," says Maria Rosa Costanzo, MD, an American Heart Association spokeswoman who was not involved with the study.

"If women had the same access to procedures and medication as men, they would derive the same benefit," says Costanzo, of Midwest Heart Specialists in Naperville, Ill.

Study researcher Francois Schiele, MD, chief cardiologist at the University Hospital of Besancon in France, says that when possible, "women should be treated with all recommended strategies, including invasive ones."
Closing the Gender Gap

Costanzo tells WebMD that it's been known for some time that women fare worse after a heart attack than men, but it's been unclear why. Some studies point to biological differences such as women's smaller blood vessels that raise the risk of complications during angioplasty, she says.

Also, women tend to be older and have poorer overall health when they have heart attacks, and wait longer to seek medical care than men, research suggests.

But other studies suggest that women are undertreated, Costanzo says.

The new study attempted to level the playing ground by using statistical techniques that took into account women's and men's different characteristics and treatments when they had heart attacks.

The researchers analyzed data from a regional registry that included more than 3,500 patients, about a third of whom were women, treated for a heart attack between January 2006 and December 2007.
Women were, on average, nine years older than men, had more health problems, and received fewer effective treatments for heart attack. They were nearly twice as likely to die, both during the initial hospital stay and over the following month.

When the analysis was adjusted to take into account the differences in the women's ages, blood pressure, kidney function, and other characteristics as well as the treatments they received, there was no difference in death rates, either in the hospital or at 30 days.

"Once they compared apples to apples, it shows women get the same benefit from [procedures to open blocked arteries] and medication as men," Costanzo says.

Drugmakers GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, and Sanofi-Aventis helped fund the registry.

Women Pregnancy Stages

Women Pregnancy Stages
During the first trimester your body undergoes many changes. Hormonal changes affect almost every organ system in your body. These changes can trigger symptoms even in the very first weeks of pregnancy. Your period stopping is a clear sign that you are pregnant. Other changes may include:

* Extreme tiredness
* Tender, swollen breasts. Your nipples might also stick out.
* Upset stomach with or without throwing up (morning sickness)
* Cravings or distaste for certain foods
* Mood swings
* Constipation (trouble having bowel movements)
* Need to pass urine more often
* Headache
* Heartburn
* Weight gain or loss

As your body changes, you might need to make changes to your daily routine, such as going to bed earlier or eating frequent, small meals. Fortunately, most of these discomforts will go away as your pregnancy progresses. And some women might not feel any discomfort at all! If you have been pregnant before, you might feel differently this time around. Just as each woman is different, so is each pregnancy.

Women Pregnancy Cycle

Women Pregnancy Cycle
All pregnancies are divided into three parts (by the medical profession) . Each part is a trimester – a period of three months, or more precisely, of 13 weeks. This division is useful because various events, signs, and developments tend to appear in different trimesters.
The First Trimester

It is the first stage in pregnancy cycle. During the first three months the uterus enlarges to about three times its non-pregnant size. This places it approximately at the pelvic brim so that it is usually not palpable (perceptible by touch) in the abdomen.

Bleeding of some severity is the most frequent unusual feature of the first trimester. About 20 per cent of women will stain or have a blood smudge on their underwear for one to three days. Usually this is “implantation bleeding” as the fertilized egg nests into the uterine wall after its descent down the Fallopian tube (oviduct) where fertilization occurs. Implantation usually occurs about three weeks after the last menstrual period. At this stage the developing egg is barely visible to the naked eye, about the size of the point of a sharp pencil.

No further bleeding may occur. But if bleeding continues, with some slight cramps, there is threatened abortion with survival of the fetus in precarious balance. If cramps become severe and rhythmical, similar to labor contractions, bleeding becomes profuse, and on vaginal examination the doctor finds the neck of the uterus opening up, the condition is described as inevitable abortion. If the fetus is expelled but the placenta remains, this is an incomplete abortion. This usually requires a curettage of the uterus to remove the remaining products of conception. Thereafter bleeding is usually moderate for a day or two and then staining ensues for several more days. Usually the uterus returns to its normal size in three to four weeks and a normal menstrual cycle intervenes at about the same time.

A spontaneous abortion – or “miscarriage” – is a natural process that occurs without artificial intervention. The vast majority of such abortions probably occur as a result of a developing egg with serious defects incompatible with life, or destined to give rise to a cruelly malformed fetus. The untimely occurrence of a spontaneous abortion is infinitely less of a burden than the presence of an infant that could not live long, and this is nature’s way of ending a defective pregnancy and reestablishing the reproductive machinery for off-spring.

Sometimes the fetus dies in the womb and the womb fails to grow. This is called missed abortion, and again, a curettage may be required. An induced abortion is one in which the uterus is emptied by human intervention. A therapeutic abortion is one justified in the eyes of the law, usually because continuation of pregnancy threatens the mother’s life. Such indications are quite rare. If a woman has three or more consecutive spontaneous abortions, she is designated as an habitual aborter.

The embryo, a mere pinpoint in size at the beginning of the first trimester, grows to a length of some three inches and a weight of one ounce by the end of the third month. During this time, all of the vital organs heart, lungs, intestines, brain, eyes, ears and skeleton-are formed. It is at this crucial period, when some women do not even know that they are pregnant, that outside insults such as drugs and illnesses of the mother can inflict disaster on the fetus. Once the basic structures are well developed, the fetus is somewhat better able to fend off insults of its environment.

Ectopic pregnancy usually occurs in the first trimester. The infinitesimal embryo is trapped in the blind alley of a Fallopian tube and will grow at this ectopic (“outside of the uterus”) point. Space for growth in the narrow tube is very limited, and rupture usually ensues in the second or third month.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy begin when the tube is overdistended. There is severe one-sided pain, bleeding as in amiscarriage, and a small swelling in the tubal area may be felt by the doctor. Blood in the abdomen frequently reaches and irritates the diaphragm and this is felt as pain in the shoulder. Surgery to remove the portion of the tube containing the pregnancy is the only satisfactory treatment. Recovery is rapid and the patient will be walking about the hospital in one day and home in five or six.

Is normal pregnancy possible after an ectopic pregnancy? Yes, but it is not uncommon for a woman who has had one ectopic pregnancy to have another on the other side. The doctor will be alert for this possible complication if the patient has had an ectopic pregnancy.
The Second Trimester
The second trimester or the second stage of pregnancy cycle is the most peaceful time of pregnancy with the fewest complications.

From a length of three inches and a weight of one ounce, the fetus grows to some 14 inches and a weight of two and a quarter pounds at the end of the second trimester. The accommodating uterus enlarges steadily to an edge two and a half inches above the navel. Movements of the fetus (“quickening”) become noticeable at about 20 weeks or midway in the second trimester. Usually the obstetrician will be able to hear the fetal heartbeat. The mother’s weight gain is most rapid during these three months, averaging close to a pound a week.
Premature Labor

The greatest hazard of this trimester is premature labor and delivery. The patient should report immediately any continued weak contractions, vaginal staining, or thin watery vaginal discharge. Any of these may suggest that the neck of the uterus is opening and a vaginal examination will confirm or deny it.

Premature birth in the second trimester ends unhappily with death of the infant nine times out of ten. The other ten percent of larger “premies” survive after a long period of many months in an incubator. There is some hope that threatened premature birth when the infant is too tiny to survive may be delayed by a Shirodkar operation, named for a doctor in India who had a patient who had three premature deliveries ending in stillbirths. In desperation, he placed a suture around the neck of the uterus and was able to maintain the pregnancy until the infant reached a weight of five pounds and survived. Occasionally the neck of the womb is closed carefully in selected patients and the technique has been considerably improved.

Toxemia may occur in the second trimester but is much more frequent in the last three months.
The Third Trimester or third stage in Pregnancy cycle

The last months of pregnancy are naturally subject to some increase in discomfort. The infant grows from a little over two pounds to seven pounds, on the average, and the uterus gradually continues to enlarge. There is almost constant activity of the womb’s occupant, most noticeable to the hostess when she is inactive and most sensitive to internal gyrations, as when sitting, or just before going to bed, or waiting for a traffic light to change when driving.

Abnormal bleeding, again, is always something to report immediately to the doctor. There are two principal causes of such bleeding in the last trimester, and both arise from abnormalities that involve the placenta or afterbirth. Each occurs in about one out of 250 pregnancies.

Placenta previa is a mislocation of the placenta in an abnormally low position in the uterus. The placenta may be implanted directly over the outlet of the womb (central placenta previa), or it may be attached at the margin of the outlet or slightly higher on the uterine wall. As the neck of the uterus opens toward the end of pregnancy, a disruption of placental and uterine structures causes bleeding. The characteristic symptom is painless vaginal bleeding.

Bed rest in the hospital is usually compulsory. Transfusions may be necessary if bleeding is profuse, and cesarean section (delivery of the baby through the abdomen) may be required. Since every extra week of maturity counts heavily in the baby’s favor, delivery is usually delayed until about the onset of the ninth month unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary. With careful obstetrical management, the outcome is usually happy for mother and baby. Placenta previa occurs somewhat more frequently in women who have had many children, especially in rapid succession, and in women who have had fibroid tumors.

Premature separation of the placenta is responsible for the second type of abnormal bleeding. In this instance a normally implanted placenta separates from its attachment to the wall of the uterus. Vaginal bleeding is usually accompanied by severe abdominal pain. The womb may become very hard. Frequently such separations are associated with high blood pressure.

Important abdominal pain and bleeding must be reported to the doctor immediately. Management of this condition calls for discriminating obstetrical judgment. Labor may be induced forthwith, or cesarean section may be required, de­pending upon individual circumstances.

There are other causes of bleeding in the third trimester, such as polyps and inflammation, but the important thing to remember is that every instance of vaginal bleeding should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Toxemia of pregnancy is another complication which is watched for in pre­natal visits. The most frequent early sign is fluid retention, demonstrated by swelling of the fingers, tight wedding ring, swelling of the eyelids, tight shoes, and weight gain which may amount to five pounds in a week. (Some swelling of the feet at the end of the day, disappearing with rest, is common in normal pregnancies). There is abnormal protein in the urine. The more serious forms of toxemia are associated with eclampsia or convulsions.

Toxemia is an increased danger to the baby and the mother. Hospitalization for one or two weeks, and sometimes early delivery, may be necessary. Milder signs of toxemia may be controlled less drastically. A low-salt diet is important. Smoked meats, pickles, sea foods, pastries, cakes, sharp cheeses and cocktail snacks are forbidden. Long periods of rest, prolonged night sleep, and afternoon naps are helpful. Effective diuretic drugs are eminently successful in reducing fluid-swollen tissues.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back Pain Problems

In these pages you will find all the information you need to reduce lower back pain with special yoga exercises for back problems. Often times when done correctly you can heal your lower back completely. Many times all the back needs is a little regular exercise. Even just 10 minutes a day. With just a little effort and some experimentation you can find exactly how to exercise your back and reduce the pain or become pain free.
Although some types of back hurt are not possible to end, there are lots of things you could do to get rid of back pain by just doing a few effortless changes to your life.

It's a lot healthier to get rid of hurting pain, than to alleviate it once it is there. Here are simple ways you could do to and you can benefit from it in the future.

1. Repeated Exercise - Everyday exercise is very important. This should be done regularly for at least ten to twenty minutes. However, if you feel some pain, don't force yourself to do it. Some examples of these exercises are just walking, cycling, and jogging. You can choose the ones that you enjoy and areappropriate for you. If you are a exceedingly busy person and cannot do exercises each day, you can do it four times a week.

2. Warm up ahead of do exercises - In every activity or exercise that you perform, you should do warm ups first by stretching your body's muscles. Stretching prevents any injuries and this will get your muscles prepared for exercise.

3. Correct body mechanics - Each time you lift up or hold something heavy or easy, you should always pay attention to your pose. Keep your back in the right position when picking up things. You can perform this by allowing one leg to kneel down and the other leg a little bended.

Every day activity such as sitting, using the vacuum or even getting out of your car involve right body mechanics. Poor body mechanics can produce extra stress on the back predominantly the spine. Keeping a straight back and not bending it in unnatural positions could assist you get rid of back pain problems. You should focus on sitting and walking while maintaining a straight back.

4. Right Sleeping Posture: A side lying position is the generally favourable position in sleeping. Sleeping on your back is additionally fine but do it less often. Steer clear of sleeping on your stomach because it places more strain on the back and neck as it goes against the curves of your spine. This can initiate rigorous neck and back hurt problems.

Make use of pillows that could support the back and neck while sleeping. While you're on your side, place a pillow between the knees to get rid of unwanted pressure to your hips and create use of a cervical support pillow.

5. Maintain an best weight - Each kilogram more than the ideal weight adds 2 kilograms of pressure to the back. The extra pounds your body has to hold, the more probable it is to endure from spinal harm. Be careful with what you eat everyday and keep on lively. You can get rid of back pain troubles by eliminating a tiny amount of pounds from your weight.

6. Stop smoking. Cigarette smoking is proven to tremendously boost the risk of this condition. If you will stop smoking, it prevents a great range of various medical conditions.

Following these trouble-free tips should help prevent the common of back pain problems. I'll say this once over again, Prevention is better than cure.

Women Breasts Problems

Breast lumps, pain, discharge or skin problems can be a sign of a minor problem or something more serious, so it's important to pay attention to any changes. Follow this chart for more information about breast problems.

Breast lumps or changes are a common health worry for most women. Women may have many kinds of breast lumps and other breast changes throughout their lives, including changes that occur with menstrual periods, pregnancy, and aging. Most breast lumps and breast changes are normal.

See a picture of the breast anatomy .

Common, noncancerous (benign) breast changes include:

* Sacs filled with fluids (cysts).
* Generalized breast lumpiness.
* Painless, movable, and firm round lumps (fibroadenomas).
* Damaged fatty tissue (fat necrosis).
* Growths inside the ducts (intraductal papillomas).
* Enlargement of lymph nodes in the breast.
* Breast pain (mastalgia).
* Breast infections (mastitis) or abscesses.
* Nipple discharge.
* Inflamed blood vessels (thrombophlebitis).

Breast development is the first sign of puberty in young girls. Usually, breasts begin as small, tender bumps under one or both nipples that will get bigger over the next few years. It is not unusual for one breast to be larger than the other or for one side to develop before the other. A girl may worry that a lump under the nipple is abnormal or a sign of a serious medical problem when it is a part of normal breast development.

In men, enlargement of male breast tissue (gynecomastia) is a noncancerous breast change. Breast buds are common in adolescent boys during puberty. They may last up to 2 years, but they tend to go away within the first year. Breast buds develop because of rapid changes in hormone levels.

Many women with breast pain or breast lumps worry about breast cancer.

The earlier breast cancer is detected, the more easily and successfully it can be treated.

There are 2 methods of early detection:

* Clinical breast examination (CBE). During your routine physical examination, your doctor may do a clinical breast examination. During a CBE, your doctor will carefully feel your breasts and under your arms to check for lumps or other unusual changes.
* Mammogram. A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast that can often find tumors that are too small for you or your doctor to feel. Experts differ in their recommendations about when or how often women should have mammograms. Some recommend you begin screening at age 40 and some recommend you begin screening at age 50. Your doctor may suggest that you have a screening mammogram at a younger age if you have any risk factors for breast cancer.

Breast self-examination (BSE) involves checking your breasts for lumps or changes while standing and lying in different positions and while looking at your breasts in a mirror. Once you know what your breasts normally look and feel like, any new lump or change in appearance should be evaluated by a doctor. Most breast problems or changes are not caused by cancer. But BSE should not be used in place of clinical breast examination and mammography. Studies have not shown that BSE alone reduces the number of deaths from breast cancer.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Get Pregnant

Being educated on how to get pregnant is to know more about sex from a simple law without birth control. Pregnancy is not always as easy or fast as most people believe it would be. With a lot of attention paid to birth control in the media, it may seem like a moment of a woman trying to conceive, and should take place immediately. However, this is not the case in many instances, this process can in the end, long boring, and frustrating.

There are several ways to help this process along the road. One of the first steps is to understand your body and cycle to assist in the timing. On top of an appropriate timing, and there are also a few important fertility practices that will significantly enhance the likelihood of throwing a baby shower large in the near future. Pregnancy does not occur for all in the first attempt. However, if you've been trying for more than a year, it may be time to see a doctor fertility. Otherwise, there are plenty of tips to take into account when trying to the child.
One of the ways to increase the likelihood of successful transplantation in improving male fertility. Professor Michael Lu of the University of California, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology offers five tips on how to improve fertility. Can some medical conditions cause damage to sperm, and some habits such as smoking, drinking, doing drugs can reduce sperm count.